Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where to find the staring time of a sql server database restore?

I just encountered this problem today. And composed a post on SCC:
Hello everyone

This might sound very silly due to my novice to DB administration work. Yesterday I started restoring a database with a size of 350GB from a 75GB backup on a testing server from 11pm, and this afternoon at 3pm, when I remote-desktoped the server I found the restore has already finished. I then checked the sql server log in the log file viewer but can't see anything has been logged around 11pm yesterday and there are only two records around 6am early this morning saying that "Starting up database db_name" and "The database is marked RESTORING and is in a state that does not allow recovery to run". Also, there is another log around 2:20pm today stating that "Restore is complete on database db_name. The database is now available".

So my question is whether this restore started around 11pm yesterday when I starting running the restore script or it actually happened around 6am this morning? How to determine the starting time of a restore then? Or did I totally miss something really important here? Thanks very much in advance for your advice!

Feed-backs came surprisingly quick that the msdb.dbo.restorehistory is the table I need to look at to retrieve the starting time info for all the restore actions against all the databases in the instance. But it still seems strange to me that SQL Server log does not record the staring time of a restore action.

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